The National Rose Society of Australia was formed on 4th November 1972, when a meeting of representatives from each of the State Societies adopted a constitution. As a result, the newly formed national body qualified for membership to the World Federation of Rose Societies.
Each year all members of the State Rose Societies receive a journal – The Australian Rose Annual which keeps them updated with Australian Rose News and beautiful photos of the latest of roses available in Australia.
NRSA also helps to connect members around the world through its membership of the World Federation of Rose Societies (WFRS).
International Rose Conventions are held in an elected membership country every three years.
The WFRS publishes an official quarterly publication 'World Rose News'
and a quarterly newsletter from the Conservation and Heritage Committee called 'By Any Other Name'.

What is the National Rose Society of Australia?
Our objectives are to encourage, improve and extend the cultivation of the rose in Australia
The Australian Rose Annuals
Published annually by the NRSA, our most recent issues about rose activities around Australia and the world are available to download here.
The National Rose Trial Garden of Australia
The National Rose Trial Garden of Australia is situated in the Adelaide Botanic Garden and trials roses entered by exhibitors from Australia and Overseas.
WFRS Award of Garden Excellence
These Australian Rose Gardens have received the WFRS Award of Garden Excellence.
Australian Bred and Raised (Sported) Roses as recorded by the Australian Registrars.
Australian Bred and Raised (Sported) Roses as recorded by the Australian Registrars, and with the recognition of the International Cultivar Registration Authority for Roses.