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Honour Roll

Presidents of the National Rose Society of Australia Inc.

Recipients of the Australian Rose Award from 1978.

Recipients of the T. A. Stewart Memorial Award from 1948.

Recipients of the NRSA Service Award from 2000.


Australian Rose Award

This is Australia’s highest Award – for outstanding or exceptional service to the Rose.

Can be awarded to anyone meeting the criteria, not just members of state societies.

Australian Rose Award

T. A. Stewart Memorial Award

T.A. Stewart served the Rose Society of Victoria as its president for some years, part of which was concurrent with his editorship of the Australian Rose Annual, a position held as its foundation editor from 1928 until his death in 1946. To commemorate his outstanding service the Rose Societies of Victoria, New South Wales, Queensland, Western Australia and New Zealand raised some money for this award. These contributing societies agreed that a fitting form of memorial for T.A. Stewart would be to make permanent provision for the awarding annually of a plaque to a person who is deemed to have given outstanding service to the rose in Australia or in New Zealand.

T. A. Stewart Memorial Award

NRSA Service Award

The NRSA Service Award is for outstanding and meritorious service to the Society for a period of at least ten years.

NRSA Service Award