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Honour Roll

Presidents of the NRSA


Sandra Turner

It is a great honour to be the President of the National Rose Society of Australia, a position that I only admired from afar, joining the list of presidents of days gone by  who are admired and respected for their leadership and great knowledge of growing, showing and sharing the love of the rose.

As a member of the RSV, I have been privileged with the guidance and knowledge of past presidents Ian Spriggs, Steve Beck and Veronica O’Brien. I joined the RSV Committee of Management in 2006 and have been RSV President for the past 4 years.

This year I hope to attend as many State Shows as possible. I look forward to applying myself wholeheartedly to this position and sharing a year of roses without restrictions.

I would like to personally thank Gavin Woods, 2022 NRSA President, for his leadership, knowledge, commitment and dedication for the past year. Gavin is most generous in time and extremely kind with all that he does for the rose. Gavin was also part of the committee that presented the World Federation of Rose Societies Conference.

The WFRS Conference Committee, convened by Kelvin Trimper, worked very hard for 8 years to organise this major event, which included the Adelaide International
Rose and Garden Show, an outstanding event and a wonderful success.
Congratulations to Diane vom Berg from South Australia, who was elected President
of the WFRS for a three-year term.
Mr. Bob Melville, from Western Australia, was announced as the NRSA President at
the 50th National AGM for 2023. Sadly, Bob passed away suddenly late in November
2022. Bob was a lifelong and ardent promoter and grower of roses, following in his
father’s footsteps. Sincere condolences to Bob’s family and friends and the members
of the Rose Society of Western Australia.
The National AGM and Rose Show 2023 will be held in Western Australia from Friday
20th October to Thursday 26th October 2023, including a wonderful post-conference
agenda to enjoy many fabulous events.
I welcome you to contact me over the next year and I am looking forward to
representing you on behalf of the NRSA.

Presidents of the NRSA

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