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Trust the iconic, Swiss-Made FELCO range for tools with replaceable parts designed for a lifetime of use. With a huge variety to cover all your gardening and pruning needs, there’s a FELCO for you. This range includes secateurs, loppers, saws and more including the FELCO 100 Picking Snips designed to cut & hold to avoid drops and damage when collecting flowers.

To accompany all the tools, FELCO also provide a wide range of accessories including protective wear, holsters and sharpeners. One such sharpening tool is the FELCO 905 Sharpener that is actually a multi-functional tool. It includes a sharpener that is locked in at the perfect angle to provide the optimal blade sharpening for your tools, a second carbide stone to smooth the edges of the blade and a built-in wrench for easy adjustments and tightening of your FELCO tools.

FELCO Power Blade Series