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The National Rose Trial Garden of Australia 2024 Awards

On Monday evening October 21, 2024 the National Rose Trial Garden of Australia held the annual Awards Presentation for the roses that were under trial from 2022 – 2024. The awards were held at the Robin Hood Hotel, Norwood SA and were attended by 57 people from Adelaide and interstate. An enjoyable time to celebrate the winning roses and their breeders.
A gold medal was awarded to a mini flora bred by W. Kordes’ Söhne, Germany named ‘Spicy’ with the code KORirrlaus and exhibited by Treloar Roses. This rose also was awarded the Marion de Boehme Award for the Best Rose of the trial, The Irwin Award for the Most Pest and Disease Tolerant Rose of the trial, The Dean Stringer Trophy for the Best Miniature or Mini Flora of the trial and Australia’s Rose of the Year.
A silver medal was awarded to a floribunda rose bred by W. Kordes’ Söhne, Germany named ‘See You in Rosé’ with the code KORhulth004 and exhibited by Treloar Roses. This rose was awarded the Rose Hills Perpetual Challenge Bowl (USA) for the Best Floribunda of the trial.
A Bronze medal, the Gerald Meylan Perpetual Trophy for the Best Shrub or Ground Cover of the trial and the Governor of Gifu Award (Japan) for the Most Fragrant Rose of the trial was awarded to a shrub bred by W. Kordes’ Söhne, Germany with the code KORhologu and exhibited by Treloar Roses.
A Bronze medal and the David Ruston Trophy for the Best Climber of the trial was awarded to a climber bred by Meilland International, France with the code 8032-98-01 and exhibited by Corporate Roses.
A Bronze medal and the Davis Trophy, the Australian Bred Rose of the Year with NRSA sponsorship was awarded to a climber named ‘Great Balls of Fire’ with the code Sommtrad bred and exhibited by Laurel Sommerfeld from Queensland.
The Hamilton Gardens NZ Perpetual Challenge Award was awarded to a grandiflora bred by W. Kordes’ Söhne, Germany with the code KO 10/7918-02 and exhibited by Treloar Roses.
On the evening one gold, one silver, four bronze medals and seven certificates of merit were awarded.